Regular readers may know that last year was a tough time for us due to family illness and the sudden death of my father, and as a result, after months of anxiety, grief and stress I was physically and emotionally pretty low. Anyone who knows me would have seen me going on as normal, being as positive, practical, and upbeat as I usually am, but the strain took its toll and eventually I realised that I needed help.
Having had in the past near-miraculous results from reiki I sought something similar, and fate - in the shape of Google - took me to Heidi at Mandala Flow. Heidi is an intuitive, highly trained and experienced healer who uses a number of separate but complementary methods to treat those who come to her. I arrived with no energy whatsoever (truly an empty tank), with the resurgence of an old back injury causing pain, and with a new set of aches which were curtailing my daily activities. Emotionally I was drained and feeling more than a little lost.
Over the course of several sessions, tailoring the treatments to my changing needs, Heidi set about restoring me to my previous state of health and vitality so that three or four months on I have largely recovered my equilibrium and feel newly energised. Given where I was, that is quite a result. Now, I know time itself is a healer, and even without intervention I might have improved naturally, but I feel my sessions at Mandala Flow have given me the boost I needed, which is why I wanted to write about the experience.
Heidi is a lovely person - warm, friendly, a comforting, caring presence. Her clinic has a similarly welcoming air to it, and for me an hour in the treatment room is an hour well spent. I know not everyone gravitates towards alternative therapies and I don't seek to push this at anyone but simply to say that it has done me a lot of good and may be something you'd want to look at should you feel open to it and in need of a helping hand, whether as a little tune up or to tackle some more significant issue.
Heidi didn't ask me to write this; it comes - as do all the recommendations here and on the books site - without favour and in the spirit of sharing good things.
Edited to add: just by the way, Heidi does Skype sessions.