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Cosy Books

An important message to share, Karen. I`m so glad you sought help and found the right people and program for your needs. Also, everything learned will serve you for a lifetime...such an excellent investment!


You're right, Darlene, I've learned a lot from Heidi - knowledge that will serve me well. I'm so glad I found her!


So happy this did you good! And I think it is great that you shared it. I hope someday we don't even have to say "alternative".


Thank you, Nan, I agree.


I have always been a believer in holistic therapies, they are more natuaral and gentler than drugs.


I feel the same, and although modern (western) medicine can be wonderful, there is also much to be said for other traditions and methods.


So very glad that you found release and relief through an alternative therapy. I had a trigeminal neuralgia attack last year that occurred off and on daily for several weeks. It involved searing pain along the right side of my face that would come on without warning numerous times over the course of a day. Though I have a very high pain tolerance (e.g. root canal w/o any meds), the only relief that worked for this attack came in the hands (literally) of gentle and kind cranial-sacral therapist. To get relief from any kind of pain, physical or emotional, using alternative therapies is a wonderful thing.


I'm so glad you found the help you needed and which was right for you.


Thank goodness you found that therapist, Mary!


Thank you, Barbara.


Very glad you shared this. Thank you.


You're welcome, Mary.


Thank you for that, as I live within easy driving distance of Edinburgh it's a good contact to have for myself, family and friends. You never know.
I hope this year is kinder to you and take care of yourself.


I have used reiji in the past and found it helpful. I once fractured my ankle and a friend of mine came once a week to give Reiki through the plaster. When the plaster came off the doctor was staggered at how flexible and relaxed the ankle was. I am so glad you found so ething to help you


Thank you, Claire.


Thanks, Elaine, and great that you had such good results from reiki!

Susie Vereker

I've just been "sorting" or rifling through my cupboards and found an ancient envelope from you, Cornflower, which led me back to your blog.
I am so sorry you have had a difficult time but glad you found a way forward. I always think it is restorative to have another person paying close attention to you and caring for you - usually it is the woman/mother who is nurturing others.


Hello again, Susie, and thank you.

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