Balsamic onion soda bread from Flora Shedden's Gatherings. I'd put it in the oven before I realised that the recipe does not include salt, so I whipped it out and in a 'better than nothing' gesture sprinkled some of Maldon's finest on the top.
The inclusion of yogurt in the dough and the flavours of the balsamic vinegar-enhanced shallots meant that it wasn't as lacking in taste as I'd feared, but bear in mind the omission, should you make it, as I found on my second go that a little seasoning does help it along.
The bread has gone down well here, partnering variously chestnut soup, the baked eggs with chard (or in our case, kale, as there was no chard to be had) which also comes from Gatherings and which we've now had several times, so quick and good is it, and finally as part of a 'deconstructed' bruschetta type of thing with avocado, tomato, mozzarella, salami, and rocket.
If the pictures suggest it's a small loaf, it's not - the end bit was all that was left to photograph, and even it disappeared sharpish.
I have never attempted soda bread since I hear that it doesn't last more than one day and, since I live alone, I need my bread to last for a week at least.
Posted by: Toffeeapple | 17 February 2017 at 01:21 PM
You're right, it doesn't keep very long. I've never tried to freeze it, though - maybe that would work.
Posted by: Cornflower | 17 February 2017 at 03:01 PM
No freezer! Not much at all in the way of kitchen gadgets. I have survived without them for almost a quarter of a century.
Posted by: Toffeeapple | 17 February 2017 at 03:13 PM