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Cornflower book group

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Alice C

Snow! How lovely - although I am hoping that you are not actually knitting outside because the point of winter knitting is to be warm and cosy looking out at the snow.

Jenny In Edinburgh

I love this photo.


A beautiful photograph. And your reference to Isle Yarns sent me straight over to their website for some fantasy shopping. I'm trying to go cold sheep for January (one month at a time...) but I'm sure I won't resist their beguiling colours (and the back story) for much longer


Please keep the snow up there, I hate having to be stuck at home.

The idea of your hat being lined with alpaca sounds lovely, a snug, warm head.

Thank you for the links, you know I can't resist.

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  • Adrian Tinniswood: Noble Ambitions

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The Great Tapestry of Scotland

  • 1914-1918 War
    Pictures from the stitchers' preview

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