I was in Oxford for a few days last week* and I popped into Oxford Yarn Store for a look, coming away with a wonderfully soft skein of handspun Jacob from a local flock. Mr. C. has already nabbed this and asked for a neckwarmer or short scarf, and his wish is my command.
From the artisanal to the mass-produced, and a ball of West Yorkshire Spinners Bluefaced Leicester DK 'Owl' which I found at Maple Tree Yarns. I've seen so many people making socks out of the WYS Country Birds range lately, and very nice they are, and as I've never used self-patterning yarn before I thought I'd start with this one. Incidentally, Maple Tree Yarns gave me extremely speedy service and their postage charge was very reasonable.
Lovely shades of Grey,ones which all can appreciate...
Posted by: Kathleen. | 11 April 2015 at 12:55 PM
I think both will be fun to knit.
Posted by: Cornflower | 24 April 2015 at 05:44 PM