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Susan in TX

Ah, but you made me think of this playing in the background. :)
Cantata Nº 208, 'Sheep May Safely Graze', BWV 208 - YouTube

Liz F

Sounds like utter bliss! I hope you had a lovely time!


Such a beautiful view. And I like the colour of your wool. What are you knitting now?

Fran H-B

The Wool that takes me back. Loved it along with her A Load of Unicorn about early printers. When I think all the historical fiction I read as a child I appreciate now what a wealth of writers of this genre there were way back in the 60's and 70's.




It's a lovely place, and comes highly recommended. I think I'm right in saying that it's a Duchy of Lancaster property so the Queen is the 'landlady', and she hosted a lunch for her tenant farmers there.


A secret thing!


I have a feeling that I read it when I was a child, but as an adult I loved it and will seek out more of Cynthia Harnett's books.


Have loved "The Woolpack" for I know not how long. My Ma bought it for me before I was born. I still get thrilled and engrossed every time I (re)read it. And what a beautiful spot you've had to be reading it in.


Oh my goodness Karen. Is this a Ruskin view or not?
How perfect, even the Autumn colours are all working together in harmony to create a brilliant Romantic landscape.
I couldn't help but cheekily think that if you did indeed run out of wool, you didn't have far to go to get some more of the raw material :)


Sounds pretty perfect to me! Enjoy!


Such a calming view...and then you added reading, knitting, and tea! I could spend every day like that.


Nothing more needed, indeed. Sigh.
Only had a day in Edinburgh, or I would have written to meet you for tea. Next time!

Carol S

Apparently The Queen when asked where she would choose to live if she had the choice replied 'The Forest of Bowland'
I read Cynthia Hartnett's novels when a child but I haven't revisited them, you and Fran B remind me to.
I truly enjoyed and have always remembered them but also found the life described 'soft' in comparison to mine in 40/50's northwest England (further north than F of B), now I'm wondering why? I know being cold was a commonplace, hungry too but... maybe a reread would inform me.

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