"It has been said that the dog is the saint among the animals, so great are his powers of love and forgiveness ..."
I like an autobiography which includes photographs of the author's dogs, and Elizabeth Goudge's contains several - alongside her family and her homes. She was a true dog-lover, devoted to her canine companions such as the chow/Norfolk spaniel cross Brownie to whom she was referring in that line I've quoted and which goes on "Brownie was a pre-eminent saint among many."
Later in the book she talks at length of Brownie and says, "I have had a dog who learned to smile like a human being [I have one of those] but Brownie was the only dog I have known who could weep as humans do." My goodness!
The dog pictured is one of three Dandie Dinmonts Elizabeth Goudge called "The Hobbits" and which came to her in succession many years after the elderly Brownie departed this life. "Not great dogs, but magical," she says, and while not perhaps as saintly as Brownie, "there are no more lovable companions in the world."
I should think I'll be on safe ground when I come to read her novels.
I read 'The Scent of Water' earlier in the year - charmingly old-fashioned but can't recall any dogs in it. The picture of her is exactly how I thought she would look.
Posted by: elaine | 08 April 2014 at 07:29 AM
She doesn't give much away in that autobiography, does she? If you've never read any of her books, you're in for a treat. I find them variable: I like the Damerosehay trilogy and the Torminster books. And The Little White Horse, of course. Many readers find her whimsy too much for them.
Posted by: Barbara | 08 April 2014 at 08:12 AM
Even without the dogs I'd like to read that one.
She does look as she 'sounds', doesn't she?
Posted by: Cornflower | 08 April 2014 at 07:05 PM
You're right, Barbara, she doesn't give much away!
I have a high tolerance for whimsy so I think I'll be alright.
Posted by: Cornflower | 08 April 2014 at 07:06 PM
I love this. And though I haven't seen a dog 'weep' I do know that our Sadie was depressed for a year after Ben died. It was like she didn't know what her place was anymore. Gradually, she came to take over many of his 'jobs.'
Posted by: Nan | 08 April 2014 at 09:29 PM
Oh, Nan, that's so sad but so sweet - poor Sadie!
Posted by: Cornflower | 08 April 2014 at 10:16 PM
Love her.
The Little White Horse!
and of course, she loves dogs!
My kind of lady.
Posted by: pamela | 10 April 2014 at 12:14 AM
Dandie Dinmonts make me think of the Gerald Durrell books about Corfu and his family's specimens of the breed--not an auspicious recommendation, but a funny one!
Posted by: Rebecca | 11 April 2014 at 11:47 PM