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Sharon M

WHAT in heavens name are those great teeth in the sea?


Thank you!

My, how Pippin has grown up.


They are quite dramatic, aren't they? They are submarine defences leading from the shore out to Cramond Island in the Firth of Forth. Apparently, there used to be a narrow gauge railway on the causeway to the other side of them, probably used for munitions. Being close to Edinburgh, an oil depot, a major naval base and the Forth Rail Bridge, this was a heavily guarded area then.


Yes, she's three now, and a truly lovely dog.

Sharon M

We Americans no matter how hard we try will never really get the horrors that war inflicted on you.


It's a sobering thought, when you really reflect on what happened in so much of Europe and beyond, but it is only right that both world wars are 'remembered' as they are in landscape and culture, here and elsewhere.

Dancing Beastie

And a happy New Year to you too! Looking forward to another year of inspiration from Cornflower. :)


Thank you. I'll do my best!


Happy New Year to you and your family. Love the photographs, amazing light and lovely dogs.


Very muddy dogs! Patches of what passes for sand there is actually 'glaur' - to use a good Scots word.

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  • Adrian Tinniswood: Noble Ambitions

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The Great Tapestry of Scotland

  • 1914-1918 War
    Pictures from the stitchers' preview

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