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Fascinating to hear how Tracy studies a skill before she writes and where it has led her to continue quilting. This background piece on quilt-making and the one on your other blog on Tracy's editing is illuminating and fun, especially as I am in the middle of her book.

On another note, I made a hand-pieced top for a quilt and partially completed the quilting just to see if I could do it. This article reminds me to pull it out and complete it! As Honor would say, 'Tis more challenging.


Do it, Mary!
Glad you have found these posts interesting - it's a great pleasure to have Tracy as my guest.

Ruth M

I love the way writers come alive and turn into real people when they converse casually. I suppose some turn into people I wouldn't like but so far, Cornflower, you've invited only good ones!

Delighted to see Tracy's Gee's Bend-style quilt. We viewed an amazing collection of these historic quilts, some of which are still being made in rural Alabama. Mules from Gee's Bend were used to pull the funeral wagon of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


All my guests have been delightful, and it is so nice to see something of the 'real person', as you say, Ruth.
For anyone who may like to know more, I've found a good article about the Gee's Bend quilts:, and this chronology - which mentions Dr. King's funeral and the mules - is interesting, too:

adele geras

I too am fascinated by quilts and admire Tracy's dedication! And will of course read the book, too!
Lovely post!

Nicole Adams

To see Tracy on TV this morning push me to know more about Her. I discoved this site and the lovely quilts! fascinating. Thank you.I will read the book and hope to come to the V&A.


Adele, I loved the book - I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did.


Glad you found this post, Nicole, and enjoy Tracy's V&A event - I wish I could go!


Tracy, I commend you on your patchwork lessons! Lovely!
I'm a quilter myself... one great memory I have is of taking my granddaughter to the High Museum in Atlanta when the Gee's Bend quilts were there. They held the 6 year-old child's attention and were truly a visual feast!
Now I shall have to read "The Last Runaway"!


I bet you'll love the book, Lila.


Just listened to interview in Woman's hour on BBC Radio 4. Then found this link, fascinating and makes me want to read the book and start quilting again.
My Mum is a fabulous quilter so I'm sending her this link.

Grainne in Hove


Wonderful, Grainne! Do read the book, and I guarantee it will strengthen your resolve to take up quilting again.

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