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I noticed the immediate improvement in loading dovegrey's site and I have to say that Cornflower typically takes time to load whereas with other sites I look at, click! and I'm there. We don't expect to have to wait for anything these days!
Images: it often loads without them and they appear after a while.

B R Wombat

My experience is similar to Barbara's in that Cornflower always takes longer to load than other sites and the images especially take some time to appear. I've counted how long it took just now and it was about 8 seconds and I don't think I've ever been timed out. My browser is Google Chrome.


I use Google. Cornflower loaded quickly today so perhaps images slow the process down but please don't take them away. I don't find Cornflower slower than other sites but I don't look at that many. As a comparison it seems to load as fast as Amazon does.


Cornflower sometimes takes a while but not so long that I get fed up! Once in a while the main photo loads slowly but normally I have no complaints. I have never timed out. Safari is the browser I use.

Helen in Switzerland

No significant problems to report! A little slower with photos, but otherwise I think you're pretty much par for the course!

Sharon Moreland

I access both sites from San Francisco in California, via a cell phone link and get both instantaneously. So I'm guessing it's each person's provider that's the problem, not your site. Sharon M.


No problems here, except when my internet is down. Type the web address direct into the box at the top (can't for the life of me think what it is called.)


I've never experienced problems with your site. I don't visit the book site as often, but never had problems there either.
Good luck figuring out the cause and fixing it!


I access both sites too, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and I don't have any problems. My machine is slow, or maybe I am a little impatient as we have changed servers and it isn't as instant as I was use to


I use Internet Explorer and never have any trouble. If I go to the book site it is a click-through from here and loads quite quickly.


Both sites load quickly for me, and I have never had a problem here. My browser is Internet Explorer. Also, leaving a comment is quite easy unlike many other blogs.


I use Internet Explorer and generally don't have much delay with either Cornflower site, which I look at every day. I agree with Kate (above) that it is easy to leave a comment. Saying that, in the past I have had significant delays accessing Dovegreyreader so I will pop across there and see how things go.

Margaret Stedman

I use Google and have no problems loading. I live in Auckland, New Zealand.

Margaret Stedman

Oops I meant to say Internet Explorer 8 - funny how that was spelled g-o-g-g-l-e??!


I don't know my search engine from my browser but then I'm a bit twp as we say in Wales. I should have said that my browser is usually Safari and sometimes Firefox.


All's well here, I use Safari.


No problems here in California -- your site comes up instantly with Safari.


Hi, I use Chrome and do have problems with loading your blog. The text usually appears first, then the images. Have had problems with the dovegreyreader too. Just tried your book site and it's slow for me too, maybe its a Chrome thing. I'm in Columbus Ohio. Love reading your posts though!


It takes a bit longer, and that is down to the pictures, but it's not a problem really. The only time it's a pain is when I'm looking on my phone, whilst commuting. If these folks are part of an audience you'd like to expand then less images would help them look at Cornflower 1and2 whilst on the move. But really, it doesn't bother me


Mac/Safari in Switzerland; no problems, always a quick load on Cornflower. I don't know the other site so couldn't say.
Also no trouble on iphone/ipad with Safari to get Cornflower on the hop...


From Israel, cornflower (and cornflower books) is a litle slower than some sites - but faster than others... average speed then, but top quality content!

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