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Funny to find this post. We are having a snow day and I have been working on my desk and piles too. I now have a clear surface in front of my and all the odds and ends put away or dealt with. I am sure it won't stay this way for long.


Well done! I must steel myself and have a go at mine - I have two adjoining desks, both almost covered in piles of papers and books - all absolutely necessary to have at hand of course! At the moment, wanting some clear space, I've moved my laptop to the kitchen table where I have a much nicer view, and for the moment all the space I want!


I didn't even read your first post about desks- I went straight to clearing mine. For a long time it was organized and ready for action. Once you let it clutter and pile, it's hard to get back to the daily clearing. Thanks. I'm up to date now.


Thanks to Dark Puss whose example made me tackle my desk, but I'm glad it's filtering down and others are having a go at theirs, too.


We must resolve to be disciplined, Juliann! I must say, though, that it's even more of a pleasure than usual to sit down at my desk this morning.

Margaret Powling

I was in the process of desk-clearing even before your first post - there was so much 'stuff' on the bench which is our desk (shared long bench for husband & wife!) that it was claustrophobic. All the old files are now in the workroom, awaiting sorting and disposal, and in their stead is a vase of flowers, a calm oasis to gaze upon between virtual scribbles on the computer!
I know it won't last ... desks breed paper, it's what they do, it's their modus operandi, but while it lasts, I shall enjoy the clear space!

Susan in TX

Nicely done! You've inspired me to tackle my own this weekend. :)

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