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Cornflower book group

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margaret 46

It is a special place.My husband and I are desperate to go back again but work keeps getting in the way.Some of the beaches are beautiful and you do feel that you are in adifferent world.


As you know I am full of jealousy for this holiday, your pictures are very beautiful and ghillie-ing looks good fun. I had a casting lesson from my Pa in the spring, you should join in if you've the inclination, it's very satisfying - though I find the actual fishing less interesting


I do fish, though I didn't do so on this trip, but there is something very meditative about it which appeals to me.


Just beautiful. What a special place to spend time - your photographs are stunning! Breathtaking, actually. And fishing - my son's favourite hobby.


Just beautiful Karen, so glad you had a restful time, did he catch anything or did they all get away?


What an amazing place! So beautiful.


Fabulous photos! Thank-you!


It was all catch and release, Lynne, but the final tally was 1 grilse, 2 seatrout, 1 finnock and several brownies for Gareth, and a few brownies and 2 seatrout for Harriet. Much fun was had by all, regardless of success!

albert shaw

Hi Karen, Albert here your overworked breakfast chef!!!!

Looking at your photos makes me realise what I have missed these past four years by not looking out the window!!!!
Glad you relaxed and enjoyed your stay.

Give my best to everyone

Dancing Beastie

Heavenly photos, and one of the best ways to spend a summer day.


Overworked is the word, Albert, and how we miss you as we make breakfast here at home!
A thousand thanks to you and Julia for making us feel so welcome and for all the effort you put in to every little thing - it was greatly appreciated.
Our best to you both.


Big big big sigh -- how I adore the Hebrides!!! Thanks for posting all these lovely photos.


Yes I agree, needs a calm mind before you start even I think

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