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Those are beautiful and that they are made from letters makes them all the more special.

Dark Puss

I don't make "New Year's" resolutions any more. I rarely (never) kept to them and it struck me as akin to making "To Do" lists; essentially a displacement activity rather than actually doing things. This is not to belittle the letters you show above, nor the undeniable beauty of the overall artwork but to urge against seeing the new year as somehow special from this perspective. Make resolutions to do things differently (or resolve to stay true to something) whenever it is appropriate.

Bet you no one else will agree with me!


Oh this is beautiful, both the sentiment and the artwork. I love making paper cranes and have always meant to make some to hang as a mobile for one of the children's rooms. Perhaps that should be my resolution...

Margaret Powling

How beautiful. They make anything devised by Damien Hirst look like what Sir Alan Sugar might call "old tut!"


Indeed this is lovely - both the artwork and the children's project.


Beautiful idea. I wonder if the cranes will be opened one day.

Dark Puss

Margaret, how about his Spin Paintings do you not see any beauty in those at all?

It is interesting how Hirst has become the whipping-boy of modern art in general (I'm not suggesting that you are antipathetic to all modern art of course). My view of Hirst is encapsulated well in this sentence from an on-line article by Andrew Frost.

"What Hirst makes is nothing more, or less, than art. That it is valued by some and detested by others is simply proof that works of art are contested objects whose meaning and monetary value rise and fall on the tides of public taste."


Very beautiful especially with their inky darkness and yet full of the thoughts of children.

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