Transitory but beautiful, the first hard frost of the season melts into diamond-droplets on an ornamental grass.
For horticultural jewels of the bold and brilliant kind - and an account of a traumatic and difficult but ultimately redemptive period in their lives - read The Jewel Garden by Monty and Sarah Don.
For once I can say "I have" in response to your reading suggestion.
Posted by: Dark Puss | 14 November 2009 at 01:00 PM
Opening your blog this morning, all I could say is "wow". These photos are spectacular. Thanks for posting them, a great way to start the day.
Posted by: Donna | 14 November 2009 at 01:33 PM
If the sun was shining I hope you could see the heiligenschein effect. Some nice pictures can be found here if you are not sure what I am referring to:
You, and your readers, might also find this weblog of interest:
Posted by: Dark Puss | 14 November 2009 at 01:43 PM
What stunning photographs. When we had our first blizzard a while ago, all of the trees were still green and leafy and so the snow encased each leaf, and it was just beautiful. It was very unusual as well since by the time we get a blizzard, the leaves are all off of the trees. You take such beautiful photos.
Posted by: Jennifer | 14 November 2009 at 02:12 PM
Posted by: Wanda J | 15 November 2009 at 06:40 AM
Is she the same Sarah Don who is the author of the Shetland lace book?
Posted by: Neuroknitter | 16 November 2009 at 04:59 PM