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I grew up in a house with a pantry, but now live in a tiny flat with no kitchen storage. Oh how I dream of having a pantry again! K x


I put that book on hold at the library yesterday, can't wait to get it.

Jennifer Dee

I hve this book and I just love it. I also visit Catherine Seiberling Pond's blog.


We had a vast pantry in the farmhouse I grew up in - larger than our kitchen, even. It was always freezing cold in there and we used to keep the (fresh from the cows) milk in a big jug on the shelf in the pantry, rather than in the fridge. There was a huge old table in there that you could use for all sorts of things, too - laying out fruit for sorting, for instance. And it was a wonderful place to keep wine. I would love to have a pantry like that again, though I can't imagine I ever will!

Wanda J

wonders! Just yesterday I was amused by the sentiment I was feeling towards the pantry in the old farmhouse where I lived as a young child and how my mother would fill the many shelves with her jarred fruits and vegetables. And now you write there's a book on "pantry culture"!


Thank you so much for your kind words. I saw from Google Analytics that I had a huge spike in blog readers yesterday and it traced back to your website (which I am pleased to discover, also).

I thought I should add here that THE PANTRY is available via PayPal through my website for $11.95 plus shipping (to the UK would be a different figure than $4.95 but I could bill that separately). I have bought back all copies from my publisher, except those few still in some shops and at Amazon, because they were going to remainder it. I knew there would still be a market for this book and did not want it to go the way of the book bins. I'll even sign and inscribe the book!

For more information, please see my website: or blog,

Thank you again,



Isn't it just such a great book?! I can't imagine seeing a castle out my window. Lots of Campbells in our area.

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