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Wow! How incredibly beautiful!


What gorgeous photos! I don't blame you a bit for not reading more than a book or two--I don't think I would either. It's been so long since I've been on a proper vacation I don't remember what it's like. For me it depends on what sort of vacation and if there is lots to do! Glad to hear you had such a lovely time. At the moment I'm reading The Franchise Affair (great) and Coming Home (a reread and just as good the second time as the first!). Glad you're back!


Pure heaven.


I spent last week on the island of Tiree. Very different to Lewis. No hills but the most stunning beaches. White sands and turquoise sea and, as you say, incredible light and ever-changing weather.


Beautiful, even the mist and cloud; I suppose that weather was better for the fishing! Glad you had such a relaxing time.


Oh it looks fabulous and somehow a bit of wild weather in a place like that never seems so bad.

Jennifer Dee

What beautiful photographs. It looks idealic, restful and just perfect.

Lisa W

Lovely photos, Karen. The colours look cool and calm. I particularly like the second one. It has an ethereal, timeless quality, as if it could have been taken yesterday or perhaps a century ago.


Sigh. I wish I were there NOW!!! :) Beautiful images!!


Sigh... Looks positively heavenly!

Mary Ronan Drew

I've been reading the novels of D E Stevenson lately and my heart is aching for Scotland. She describes it all so lovingly. The photos are beautiful.



Well I am off to the Highlands of Scotland tomorrow for two weeks or so and your blog has made me long to get there. I am a long term lover of the Scottish Highlands and once had a home there. I cant wait to see the beautiful loch where we are staying at Fort William. We will travel around and hope to have some photographs like yours. I will draw and paint designs for my textile art whilst there.


Have a wonderful time, Irene - it's a beautiful part of the world!

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The Great Tapestry of Scotland

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