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I *love* Margery Allingham! Tiger in the Smoke is a terrific novel but not typical of her work (in the same sense that people say Great Expectations is 'un-Dickensian'), so I think it's a good stand-alone to choose.


Majorie Allingham is one of my favorite mystery writers. They had a series of her mysteries on PBS about 20 or so years ago. They were wonderful also. The lead was played by the man who played Tristan on All Creatures Great & Small. He also played one of the Dr. Whos.


It's a great book, and everyone will enjoy it! It may not be typical, but its well written (unlike Agatha Christie etc, so please don't think its like that cardboard mass production) and it has a couple of great characters in it, including ... but no spoilers. Given my track record, your readers may be put off by me applauding a book, but really, this is very fine and very readable.


Majorie Allingham is one of my favorite mystery writers. They had a series of her mysteries on PBS about 20 or so years ago. They were wonderful also. The lead was played by the man who played Tristan on All Creatures Great & Small. He also played one of the Dr. Whos.

Mrs C

It's quite a few years since I read Tiger in the Smoke, but I seem to recall that it was excellent!

Barbara MacLeod

I don't know this writer or book so am delighted to have your selcetion at this point in time so that I can get a head start. Many thanks!


Ah, I just read my first Margery Allingham the other week "Traitor's Purse". I shall have to try and hunt this one out.


Oh, splendid! I have been (re)reading my way through all Allingham's Campion novels in order this autumn, and it will only take a little catching up to be ready for this one in time. And this is one of my favourites.


Snapped it up from Amazon - it arrived yesterday. Now at the top of the tbr! Haven't read any Allingham - looking forward to it.

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