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Cornflower book group

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Wonderful books and I hope you have a wonderful trip!


I'm glad you pushed the discussion dates back. I really want to read the Wolff book and have started Kipling's short stories, but it's slow going. Have a nice trip and enjoy your books.

Peter the Flautist

Dark Puss, as usual since he is not very well-read, has neither read "Snow Falling on Cedars" nor has he heard of the author either.


Snow Falling on Cedars is a beautifully written book, set in a breathtaking landscape, enjoy it!

adele geras

I,too, am glad of an extension! Thanks! And have a lovely time on your hols.
I have just started Books do furnish a room, btw, and how I love this series. I will be very sad when it's over and will definitely read again.


Snow Falling on Cedars is a compelling read. Curiously, on first reading, my mind’s eye watched it unfold in black and white, and Nels Gudmundsson bore a striking resemblance to Spencer Tracy! It has that certain quality. On second reading, a couple of years later, it came out in glorious technicolour. It’s a tremendous story, vividly rendered, and very much more than a whodunnit. You’ll love it.
PS: The film isn't a patch on the book.


Have read Old School before but will be away on 9th so this suits me very well. Enjoy your break.


Oh good! Now I stand a chance of finishing it by the discussion date - all reading now constrained to baby's feeding time!

Happy hols...

Barbara MacLeod

September suits me much better too. And thanks for the Barenboim reference. It's definitely going on my Wish List.


I too loved Snow Falling on Cedars! I rmrmeber thinking how it was a story of a very selfish mother ruining her sons life...sort of the subplot maybe.


Can anyone join the Cornflower Book Group? Sorry if not, thanks, Simon


Can anyone join the book group? Sorry if not? Many thanks, Simon

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