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Margaret Powling

Mollie would look good in any colour, including sky blue pink!


Mollie looks very striking. I wish digital cameras came with good old-fashioned printed manuals, when I tried to scroll throught the features in mine I accidentally re-set the language option to Finnish...


Hm ... perhaps I should study my own camera manual ... a thing I never do before clicking away. I greatly prefer black and white photography. Even my wedding photos are black and white (not because I'm ancient, just an artistic choice). What a sweet face Mollie P.D. has ...


When you take the little disc in (from the digital camera) to make prints (I use a machine in the CVS pharmacy), you can fool around with the color (plus more editing and cropping) - and can choose to have black and white or even sepia-toned prints.

I love black and white photography. My neighbor and I were out mid- to late afternoon today (for the longer shadows) taking b&w photos in an old cemetery. I've done this before - and if you can avoid the modern flags on some graves, the photos can have a timeless quality.


My two in the snow are always black and white. :<) My iPhotos has a setting where I can first duplicate a picture, and then if I want change one to b & w. I don't put up enough on my blog either. I did a blog entry months ago about them but I guess I forget.

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