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I always have to nerve myself up for William Maxwell because his writing is often piercing -- at least to me. It sounds like a great choice. Of course, I am woefully behind. I had to order "Alias Grace" and then went away. It arrived. I was slow to get the book. Then I started reading something else ("Discovering France", which I can recommend) so I remain in catch-up mode.


I too didn't get Alias Grace in time to participate in January's discussion, but I have the book and plan on reading it. I'm determined to get this one in time to read it for the discussion in February! It sounds really good. I've never read anything by Maxwell.

adele geras

Hurray! I'm thrilled, because I adore William Maxwell and suggested this book. It is also, you'll all be delighted to know VERY SHORT INDEED....a bit of a break after the Atwood. Can't wait to re read...


Oo, very intrigued. And I have a soft spot for titles which are quotations... quite irrational, but there you are!

 Barbara MacLeod

Oh, the wonderful feeling of being in the right place at the right time! I am being dragged into the 21st century by my family especially in relation to using the internet. To that end I started a "Wish List" on Amazon and put this book on it. (I chose it after reading your December 1, 2007 blog entry.) Santa Claus and Parcel Force delivered in its special cardboard book-package in time for Christmas so that's me all set!


I've never read any Maxwell, and this is not usually my sort of thing, so all the more reason to sign up! I've ordered a copy...


I very much look forward to reading this one. I have never read Maxwell before... past time to do so. Great choice.

Angela Young

This sounds wonderful. I too have never read any William Maxwell and am much looking forward.


I've been meaning to get round to this since I first read a review. Copy duly ordered.

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