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Sounds delicious! I have ordered it. Will wrap myself in silk and cashmere while I read it. Or would a paisley shawl be more appropriate?


I read the book 'Au bonheur des dames' as a young adult. That must be 35 years ago. Your enthusiastic comment tells me that I should read the book again... Thanks!


So glad you loved this Karen. It is a glorious luxurious wallow and, Sherry, in my opinion you should be wearing silk and cashmere while reading and, even better, have a box of Turkish Delight to hand. As you say, John Lewis had nothing on this


This one is definitely going on my 'To Read' list. It sounds delicious.

Mark Thwaite

Sold! I've read heaps of Zola, inlcuding most all of Les Rougon-Macquart series: this I have somehow contrived to miss. The omission will have to be remedied this weekend ... lets hope it snows!


Back from the dentist, and the book order has been executed. Elaine, the thought of turkish delight makes my poor teeth hurt. How about tea with rose petals instead? On a silver tray?
Really looking forward to this book! No thanks on the snow, Mark, just got a foot of it.
a sherry

Margaret Powling

I adore Turkish Delight, but it has to he Lings. I once had to return a box which wasn't in perfect condition and they replaced it with a brand new box, hot off the conveyor belt and it was the best Turkish Delight I have ever tasted, mouth-wateringly scrumptious. I don't like Creme de Menthe Tuckish Delight, though, only the pink and white stuff will do!


I enjoyed all the details of textiles and fabrics, but I think Zola is making a point about capitalism, conspicuous consumption and the miseries of debting and overspending. They had shopaholics then, too!

 Barbara MacLeod

I always associate Zola with grimness so this is one I must try! I recall reading Germinal thinking that the author definitely had his "thumb on the scales" when telling his story. For example, whenever describing a grim picture of starving coal miners, he would follow it with a description of a van delivering vol-au-vents to the mine manager's house! (And I never eat a vol-au-vent without this image passing through my mind!)


Oh my goodness. Another book to read. What fun.


Oh, John Lewis eat your heart out indeed, isn't that just the most heavenly and enticing description?


Sherry - tea on a silver tray with rose petals sounds just about right to me. I do look forward to reading other posts on this book. I, too, associated Zola with grime and gloom and Germinal so this book knocked me sideways. I simply loved it

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