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What amazing perspective on that piece of Usher Hall! From that painting it's not hard for me to believe that he also did futurist works.


I love these, especially the portraits of the women. Thanks for sharing, I've never heard of this artist.


Hi there! I've never heard of this painter before but I think that glass of milk is in another league and the spoons!

Peter the flautist

There are a number of books on art by Stanley Cursiter, for example "Scottish Art to the Close of the Nineteenth Century. [With reproductions.]" George G. Harrap & Co.: London, 1949. and "Peploe. An intimate memoir of an artist and of his work. [With reproductions.]" Thomas Nelson & Sons: London, 1947.
However I have not yet succeeded with today's challenge which is to find a book by someone else about Cursiter!


Peter the flautist

Dark Puss says maybe you could track this one down in the National Library of Scotland (since they are likely to have a copy as a copyright deposit library): Cursiter, Stanley. Looking Back: a Book of Reminiscences. Edinburgh: privately printed, 1974; Mackenzie, Jill C.

I am guessing that it is about Cursiter but of course it could be a collection of his reminiscences about other artists. Anyway it's the closest I could get to the elusive prize today. 2/2 failures - bring 'em on, I ain't givn up so easy!

Peter the flautist

Groan (say Cornflower's other readers) it's me again. The book "Looking Back: a Book of Reminiscences" is an autobiography!

Dark Puss (I promise no more posting today)


I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the painter, but his work is lovely!

When visiting the Cursiter exhibition (July 2007) I picked up a leaflet with Orkney Museum & Heritage logo on it: Coming Soon "Stanley Cursiter - a life of the artist" by Pam Beasant with additional essays from distinguished contributors and a preface by Richard Calvocoressi ... £20 plus p+p, paperback, 210 x 275 mm, colour throughout. [No other details given.] It states: If you would like to reserve a copy in advance give details [name etc, email] to Orkney Museum Shop.
The appear to be no references on the internet but here is the Museum website:

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